Articles, Tips and Information

Why Home schooling is the Best option for your ND child.

As the world continues to evolve, so does the way we approach education. One option that has gained popularity in recent years is homeschooling. In Australia, homeschooling has become an increasingly popular choice for parents of neuro diverse children. The ability to tailor the educational experience to their unique needs has proven to be a…

Choosing Home Education Can Be Uncomfortable.

A Successful Educational Choice Means Getting Uncomfortable   Most human beings cling to comfort, though science has proven that when you step outside of your comfort zone, that is where the most significant achievement takes place. If it weren’t for taking uncertain steps out into a scary world, we would still be living in caves…

5 Steps to shift Your Limiting Beliefs

5 Steps to Shift Your Limiting Beliefs for Good   How are you your own worst enemy? We limit ourselves so much. We live in our heads and come up with all these ways to keep us from getting anything accomplished. Even though deep down we know we’re good enough, and how much we’re fully…

Increase Your Sense of Self-Worth

4 Thoughts People with High Self-Worth Have   The most confident and happy people we know are the ones who have high self-worth. But how did they get that way? Are some people just born with a better sense of value? Or do they make a practice of acting a certain way, which helps to…

I have to Home-School – Now What?

They have left me NO choice, I have to Home school! There are so many families in a situation where they do not want to send their kids back to the bricks and mortar of the school. During the pandemic and remote learning you may have noticed your children prefer working from home. Or they…

Breaking News -You DO NOT Have to Follow your Submitted Home School Plan!

That’s right, you do not have to follow the Home School Plan you put together to register to Home School in Victoria, NSW or most states to be honest! Like WHAT?? Yeah I know, all the work you did, the stress, the anxiety and the research and then putting down all those resources linking in…

Happiness Comes From With In

You can change many things about your life, but your skin is not one of them. This is why you need to learn to be happier in your own skin. The problem is, this is often much easier said than done. Below are a few ways you can learn to be happier in the body…

Breaking up with Mr Impostor Syndrome!

Its a struggle and I am a little sad but I have to say farewell to this relationship. We have been together for such a long time, so long in fact I cannot remember how we met. One day you were just there and didn’t leave. There were definite moments of feeling safe with you,…

Can Your Kids Get Burned Out?

  Sure, they don’t usually have mortgages and jobs. However, they do have internal and external pressures of their own. School, friendships, and other challenges of growing up can be a lot to deal with. In the last year and a half a lot of external interruptions had caused lifestyles as we know it to…

Why is Therapeutic Life Coaching better than Counselling?

  And there, people is why Therapeutic Life Coaching is a better solution for folks that want to move on from their problems and not keep talking about them. Are you sick of talking about all your woes? Do you want a solution and be able to leave those worries behind? Then a Life Coaching…
